Chapter 1: Zoe’s Room

Second to the birth of one’s children, renovating a property is one of the most intense adventures in life. It can be a really trying time for a couple’s relationship and for family life. But it’s also a time of learning, a school where one learns, amongst other things, patience, and the extent of one’s limits… In this way we discover day after day how to be a Site Manager, which goes hand in hand with regular deep breathing exercises… we become expert Tetris players and even more importantly, we find our faith! Because without that, our path would be much more obscure. To sum up: to renovate a house and live amongst the building work is not always easy on a daily basis but is also really exciting and rewarding. 
We’re moving forward slowly but surely… and bit by bit, we have the joy of witnessing the metamorphosis of our country house. Our cocoon is gradually taking shape in this former barn full of history, and that warms our hearts.

One of the first rooms that we fitted out and decorated was our eldest daughter Zoé’s bedroom. We wanted to create an ambiance that reflected her personality: sensitive, kind and cosy. She wanted pink. Not very original.
So, we went for pastel shades that were quick to inspire us. Light-coloured wood and cane to bridge the gap between old and new. A melting-pot that works perfectly and provides absolute zenitude. Zoé’s bedroom is a bubble of gentleness that really suits a future teenager. With a Mina cane chair, we have created a reading space that Zoé is starting to enjoy using, for herself and for her girlfriends when they get together to chat about what they’ve been up to. It’s a multi-purpose chair that we will undoubtedly also use in the summer, to sit on whilst enjoying drinks outside in the garden…

Watch this space!

to be continued ... ... ...