At this festive time of year, the dining table becomes a gathering place for the whole family. It's where long conversations begin, everyone enjoys eating together and where cherished memories are made. So how do you make it a welcoming and inviting place to be? And what if this year we suggested that you make a special festive breakfast?

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Awaken all five senses

Start by setting out some fresh fruit and your favourite sauces and condiments, some nibbles or a cake still warm from the oven, then add a large pinch of creativity. Have fun with the presentation: choose some unusual containers and fill them with whatever you like.


Wait for the children to wake up

On Christmas Day morning, breakfast is tinged with impatience and excitement for little ones and grown-ups alike. While you're waiting for the children, you can focus on the ambiance as well as the breakfast itself... And then it's time!

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Finishing touches

A few candles will always make the atmosphere more welcoming, while a fresh flower arrangement will add your own personal touch to the look. So, is everything ready?

The video tutorial

From the kitchen to the bedroom: creations to make at home

Bake a brioche or arrange a bouquet of flowers, create table decorations or prepare a guest room:
take a look at our step-by-step tutorials.

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Making a flower arrangment


Durée : 15 min

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Four-spice brioche


Durée : 55 min

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The ideal guest bedroom


Durée : 15 min